From Timeline Photos, posted by Al-Quran Institute on 5/17/2013 (133 items)
- The Prophet (saw) said: “When one of you makes dua, let him begin by praising his Lor…
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- Every human being since the days of Adam, PBUH, until now has a special finger print …
- According to a number of studies, it’s been found that when people lose faith in God,…
- Night prayer is the diligence of the righteous, the transaction of the believers, and…
- Turn to Allah ……… He’s never far away. Put your trust in Him ……… Raise y…
- The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said: ”Take advantage of five …
- All glory to Allah, the almighty who says in the holy Qur’an: “When the Qur’an is re…
- The Miracle of Adam and Jesus Allah, the almighty says in the holy Qur’an: “The si…
- Subhan Allah! The bees take good care of their babies while at the same time produce…
- Honey can be the new antibiotic for the 21st century! Thousands of studies and experi…
- Steadfastness after Ramadan is the greatest sign that one has gained benefit from the…
- When prostrating, worshippers are the closest to god. Everything in this universe pr…
- A recent British study has found that the growth of the brain lasts until almost the …
- Allah is Near قال الله تعالى: "وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِن…
- Have you ever felt tears roll down your cheeks for a du’a you’ve made? Have you ever…
- The more Thankful we are to Allāhsubḥānahu wa ta’āla (glorified and exalted be He), t…
- The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: “Be kind, for whenever kindness becomes part of some…
- One day we were praying behind the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). When he rai…
- The word “Muslim” means one who submits to the will of God, regardless of their race,…
- Golden Words of Wisdom :- – Abstain from the company of misers. – Continuously eatin…
- Sayyiduna Abu Sa’eed (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of A…
- Ameer al-Mu’mineen Umar al-Farooq Radi Allahu Anhu narrated that When the Prophe…
- These quotes are Very useful for a ‘Self Check’ ✔When someone isn’t smart enough to…
- Golden Words of Wisdom ::.. Siddiq al-Akbar (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu) – Two and a ha…
- A’isha (RA) relates that: “The speech of the Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant …
- The Holy Prophet (saw) was sent to this world with the light of monotheism, eradicati…
- Abu Hurayrah (RA) says: "The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) …
- The Holy Prophet (saw) was the most patient among men, the bravest, the best judge, a…
- The Messenger of Allah, may peace be upon him, said: I have been given superiority ov…
- Anas (Radiallahu Anhu) reports: “The Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) was ne…
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